Tag: announcement
Will you be Lost to the Dark in 2024?
We’re really pleased to announce that we’ve got a busy schedule coming up for Dark Vigil! We’re taking Dark Vigil on the road to two conventions in the next month and preparations have started for PAX AUS 2024. Conquest 2024 It’s a little late notice, but we are heading to Conquest 2024 this weekend (29-31…
PAX & Future Plans
PAX AUS 2023 was absolutely amazing! Thank you so much to everyone who came to play Dark Vigil throughout. Check out the stats and learn about our future plans!
Dark Vigil Quickstart
Dark Vigil Quickstart Now Available Today it’s official, the Dark Vigil Quickstart is available for launch! Will you save Havensbrook before it is too late? Those of you who have pre-ordered the soft copy or bundle for pick-up at PAX, it will be ready and waiting for you at the Dark Vigil table at the…
Dark Vigil In-Store
As of about twenty minutes ago, we have proven the value of persistence and the online store is up and running! That means Dark Vigil is now available to purchase here! Pre-orders are available for both the pdf and printed Dark Vigil Quickstart. Prices are, of course, in AUD. Printed copies can ship domestically within…
Dark Vigil Quickstart
The Lanterns are lit! Havensbrook calls for aid. Will you answer? Havensbrook is being threatened by unknown forces and needs your help. Will you be able to save the town, or will you let it fall into the Dark?
Dark Vigil At Pause Menu
If you’re looking for an opportunity to play Dark Vigil ahead of PAXAUS (and with slightly less chaos going on around you, perhaps), to be one of the first to use the finalized rule-set (oops, is that a hint I see?), come down and play at PAUSE MENU in Fitzroy, Melbourne on 22 September 2023…
PAX AUS 2023 Announcement
I’m thrilled to announce that Fractal RPG will be running Dark Vigil at PAX AUS 2023! Just like last year, we’ll be in the PAXAus at the Table section, where we’ll be running games all convention long. That’s from 11am to 11pm on Friday and Saturday, and 11am to 5pm on the Sunday. Phew, it…