As of about twenty minutes ago, we have proven the value of persistence and the online store is up and running! That means Dark Vigil is now available to purchase here!
Pre-orders are available for both the pdf and printed Dark Vigil Quickstart. Prices are, of course, in AUD. Printed copies can ship domestically within Australia, or be picked up at PAX! Those who choose to collect their copies at PAX should come see me in the PAXAus At The Table section at any time during the weekend.
In addition, there is a limited run (and on this website only) of a Quickstart bundle that includes not only the Quickstart but also two black lanterns. You’ll need them to help keep track of those Spirit Lanterns…and so you know who is most vulnerable to the Dark.
In celebration, and for the duration of the PAX AUS 2023 weekend, there will be a 25% discount across the store for anyone who makes a purchase.
Havensbrook calls for aid…will you answer?
Other Places to Purchase
For those who are outside of Australia, you can also pick up a printed copy at Barnes & Noble or through Amazon. If you’re after a PDF and you’d prefer to shop through Itchio (in USD), that’s an option too.
New Website
You probably also noticed that the website is very different to what it was before. Hopefully this is easier to navigate, more informative and all around more useful. Check out Lady Agatha’s Letters to find out more about the world of Dark Vigil and the downloadable Character Sheets for blank and pre-generated characters to march out into the Darkness with.
PAX AUS Is Almost Here
I got the website and the store up just in time too, as PAX is only two days (and a handful of hours) away.
Just a reminder that Dark Vigil will be running one-shot sessions throughout the entire week so come down and play with us!
If you haven’t pre-ordered a copy of Dark Vigil by then, pick up a printed copy of Dark Vigil from the Arkenforge stall.