The World of Dark Vigil

Dark Vigil is a tabletop roleplaying game set in a world where the Victorian era was interrupted by the disappearance of the sun, moon and stars.
The Industrial Revolution was abruptly halted in its tracks, as scientific attention turned to figuring out survival in this new era. Superstition and folklore have surged to prominence, warring with science once again in the hearts and minds of the people, as both seem to have physical, daily proof of their effectiveness. Old wives tales and rituals have just as much importance now , in the fight for survival, as the scientific method.
“Civilised” society has fallen, leaving each town and village on its own. Protected by the Great Lanterns, they are the only safehavens that people have left. Only a few risk venturing out into the Darkness and they are named “Venturer” by those who remain behind.
As much as Venturers are celebrated for protecting what little trade still goes on and for risking their lives in search of answers or in assisting a town, they are also watched warily. Every town has seen someone become Lost, who drew on Corrupt powers for too long in the Dark or lingered too long and saw too much, and in doing so lost their humanity. Sometimes though, a town will have no choice but to send out whatever volunteers they can find, to bring back desperately needed supplies, search for answers or simply to maintain relationships with other towns nearby. When that happens, a Venturer is suddenly all too welcome.