Woman dressed in Victorian gown running a Dark Vigil ttrpg game at PAX AUS 2023

PAX & Future Plans

PAX AUS 2023 was an absolutely amazing experience!

Thank you so much to everyone who came to play Dark Vigil throughout the weekend! There was some brilliant roleplay, exceedingly clever fast-talking and some immense explosions! No two groups faced the same thing in quite the same way, so you kept us all on our toes! I hope everyone else enjoyed it, as we all had such a blast running for you all!

As promised, the stats:

  • 82 players across 15 sessions
  • 2 characters Lost to the Dark
  • 1 character made a Deal with the Dark to survive a fatal blow
  • 14 characters were … subsumed??
  • 2 bell towers exploded
  • 3 exhausted GMs
  • 1 very, very happy developer

We also managed to sell out entirely of the printed copies of the Dark Vigil Quickstart! If you didn’t quite manage to get one of your own, it’s still available in PDF form or you can order a soft-cover copy of the Quickstart to be delivered directly to your mailbox.

Near-Future Plans

First off, since we sold out over PAX, we arranged for a new print run. They arrived this morning, so anyone who has put in a back-order for a copy, yours will be sent out in the next day or so. Keep an eye on your emails for tracking numbers!

At PAX, a lot of people asked about how to get hold of the lanterns, which we were unfortunately not able to sell at PAX this year. We’re doing some investigation to see what our options are for next year’s PAX convention. In the meantime, there are a few more lanterns available for the packaged sets and have more lanterns coming in next month!

We’re also looking at some opportunities to run some more Dark Vigil for you in the next few months. We hope to have some news to announce on that topic in the next week or so!

More of Lady Agatha’s Letters will be coming out on the website over the next few months as well. Look out for those if you’re interested in a deeper glimpse into the lore of the Dark Vigil setting. If there’s a particular area that you want to know more about, feel free to reach out and let us know!

Longer Plans

With PAX 2023 being such a resounding success, we’re now in a position to start thinking about next steps. There are so many options out there, it is quite overwhelming to be honest! We are still considering exactly what the future of Dark Vigil will look like in the longer term, so keep an eye on this space!