Dark Vigil Quickstart

Dark Vigil Quickstart Now Available

Today it’s official, the Dark Vigil Quickstart is available for launch! Will you save Havensbrook before it is too late?

Those of you who have pre-ordered the soft copy or bundle for pick-up at PAX, it will be ready and waiting for you at the Dark Vigil table at the Pax Aus at the Table. Unfortunately, now that PAX has started, I’m not going to accept new orders for delivery at PAX. Instead, you can pick up your own copy from the Arkenforge booth throughout the con. Or, if you’re not coming to PAX, order it online and it’ll be posted directly to you!

The lanterns are selling fast as well, there’s only a couple more of this limited run left. I might do another run of them at a later date, but no promises, so you’ll need to get in quick!

PAX AUS 2023

PAX AUS is finally here! As I’ve said before, Dark Vigil will be running at PAX throughout the weekend. From 11am to 11pm on Friday and Saturday, and 11am to 5pm on Sunday, we’ll be here all weekend to run games, destroy lanterns and watch you all tell amazing stories!

Stop by to play, to watch, or just to say hi!