A hand-written letter on old parchment

Temperature & Weather In The Dark

A group of Venturers recently uncovered a letter discussing the impact of the Dark on the weather, from Lady Agatha Whitmore to an unknown person of science in the early years of the Dark.

My Esteemed Colleague,
I trust this letter finds you in robust health and continuing scientific enthusiasm. Permit me to convey a matter of unparalleled peculiarity, a phenomenon that has shaken the very foundations of our understanding of the natural world. It is with a mixture of awe and trepidation that I report to you the results of my studies in the wake of the most astonishing vanishing act of both the sun and stars from the celestial canvas.

In this dim-lit world, where a perpetual gloaming blankets the landscape, a most curious equilibrium has manifested itself. The absence of the sun’s radiant luminescence should, by all reasonable accounts, plunge our realm into a cold and unending night. Yet, our measurements indicate a climate surprisingly moderate, maintaining a steadfast temperature of precisely 50 degrees Fahrenheit. This inexplicable constancy defies the established norms of heat exchange and solar influence that have hitherto guided our meteorological reasoning.

The question that must henceforth occupy our scientific fraternity is: by what cryptic mechanism is this thermal stability achieved? Could there be, lurking within the depths of our atmosphere, an unknown agent of heat distribution, an entity that endeavors to preserve the delicate balance between warmth and chill? Or might it be that the very fabric of space itself, in the absence of solar radiation, interacts with our environment in manners unforeseen?

But beyond the enigma of the constant temperature, the vagaries of the weather have taken on an uncanny life of their own. No longer tethered to the solar rhythms, the climatic phenomena have embarked on a bewildering dance of unpredictability. Storms of unimagined ferocity follow tranquil mornings with little rhyme or reason. The winds, once tempered by the sun’s radiant caress, now gust and wail with an almost sentient fury. It is as if the very atmosphere has become a tempestuous maestro, conducting a symphony of meteorological whims with capricious abandon.

Intriguingly, the flora and fauna of this world appear to exhibit a most curious indifference to the glaring absence of our celestial luminaries. The creatures that inhabit this realm carry on their routines with an air of tranquility, seemingly oblivious to the void above. Their biological rhythms persist, and their behaviors remain fundamentally unchanged, challenging our prior assumptions of the intrinsic ties between earthly life and the cosmic radiance.

As we grapple with the implications of this extraordinary state of affairs, I implore you, my esteemed colleague, to share any insights, speculations, or conjectures that may have crossed your scholarly mind. Our shared pursuit of knowledge has been cast into a new realm of uncharted possibilities, and it is only through the collaborative efforts of inquisitive minds such as ours that the secrets of this mysterious world might be unveiled.

With the utmost eagerness for your esteemed perspectives, I remain
Yours in Unveiling the Extraordinary,

Lady Agatha Whitmore
Fellow of the Luminari Society
24th September 1841

Interested in more of what Lady Agatha has to say? Check out: