A Game Master running Dark Vigil for a group of players at Conquest 2023

Post-Conquest Update

Apologies for the epically long radio-silence. There have been a number of behind-the-scene changes in the past few months in Fractal Games, which has unfortunately delayed development of the rules and temporarily put a halt to the Whimper ruleset. However, I am happy to announce we are driving towards a quickstart rules for Dark Vigil being in production by PAX 2023. The Fractal ruleset itself is mostly locked down, and I am currently in the process of writing up Dark Vigil lore and the rest of the quick start guide. I am looking for artists who might be interested in contributing, so reach out if that’s you!

In other news, we did attend Conquest 2023 in April to test out some fairly major changes to the ruleset. We took in a lot of feedback, which resulted in still more changes. These ones have been much smaller though, which is a great signal.

And I even managed to record some stats from the event!

We had...

  • 1 town LOST to the Dark
  • 2 Venturers LOST to the Dark
  • 6 Venturer Deaths
  • 8 Games
  • 2 very tired GMs
  • 23 broken Spirit Lamps

Honestly, I’m still not entirely sure how an entire town ended up being destroyed, but it did!